Perovskite Quantum Dots Supplier - Alfa Chemistry

Steady-state/Lifetime Spectrofluorometer Services


Fluorescence is a cold luminescence phenomenon of material photoluminescence. The basic fluorescence performance of the substance can be characterized by a steady-state transient fluorescence spectrometer. The fluorescence spectrometer is mainly used to test the information of the excitation spectrum, emission spectrum, quantum yield, fluorescence lifetime, three-dimensional fluorescence and other aspects of the substance. Other properties such as phosphorescence, up-conversion luminescence, variable temperature spectroscopy, fluorescence polarization, and laser-induced fluorescence are also available. Perform detection and analysis by configuring appropriate accessories.


Alfa Chemistry provides professional fluorescence testing services. Our professional and reliable team is able to provide customers with scientific and standardized test reports. Our company provides the following services:

  • Invoices, Lists and Contracts
  • Testing Reports
  • Data Analysis

By matching suitable components and accessories, a series of test service requirements such as fluorescence, quantum yield, phosphorescence, near-infrared, and fluorescence lifetime can be met.

What do we offer?

Specific items that Alfa Chemistry can offer spectrometric test are:

  • Fluorescence Spectrum
  • Fix the excitation light wavelength, detect (scan) the emission intensity at different emission wavelengths, and obtain the spectrum of the material emission intensity changing with the emission wavelength.

  • Quantum Dots
  • Indicates the ability of a substance to fluoresce. The value is between 0 and 1, reflecting the result of the competition between fluorescent radiation and other radiation and non-radiative transitions. It can be divided into internal quantum yield and external quantum yield.

  • Fluorescence Lifetime
  • When the excitation is stopped, the time it takes for the fluorescence intensity of the molecule to drop to 1/e of the maximum intensity during excitation, which represents the average time the particle exists in the excited state, which is usually called the fluorescence lifetime of the excited state.

  • Up-conversion Fluorescence
  • Also known as anti-Stokes luminescence, Stokes' law states that materials can only be excited by high-energy short-wavelength light and emit low-energy long-wavelength light, while up-conversion luminescent materials can sustainably be excited by long-wavelength light. The emission wavelength is shorter than the excitation wavelength.

  • Temperature Quenching
  • Due to the influence of different characteristics and thermal stability of the luminescent material, as the temperature rises, its luminous intensity decreases and the emission spectrum red shifts.

Sample preparation required

Make sure that the sample has fluorescence/phosphorescence properties, and the sample should emit light under light excitation, otherwise all fluorescence tests are meaningless.

  • Powder Samples
  • Generally, more than 20 mg is required. For block or film samples, the size of the substrate is required to be between 1*1 cm-2*2 cm.

  • Liquid Samples
  • About 5 ml, it may be affected by factors such as solubility quenching and solvent effect, so the concentration is determined according to your own sample.

Advantages of our services

  • One-stop test platform, from sample preparation to test data and analysis, we include every part.
  • Reliable scientific research personnel ensure the standardization of experimental practice.
  • Short time, high efficiency.
  • The most competitive price.

What you need to know before you test

  • Be sure to measure the fluorescence spectrum of the sample first, and then test the fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield of the quantum dot or sample. If you have not measured the spectrum, you need to make an appointment for the fluorescence spectrum test at the same time.
  • When testing the quantum yield, the solid sample uses barium sulfate as the blank sample, and the solution sample uses the solvent as the blank sample.
  • Be sure to note the comparison of the fluorescence intensity of the tested samples.
  • Special tests such as near infrared, up-conversion quantum efficiency, up-conversion lifetime, etc. can be provided. If there is a demand, please contact us in advance.

Testing workflow

  • Communicate with us and send samples to us
  • Put forward the test sample requirements
  • The laboratory department conducts analytical tests
  • Send data reports and analysis to customers

Our customer service representatives are enthusiastic and trustworthy 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. If you are interested, please contact us.

* It should be noted that our service is only used for research, not for clinical use.


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